Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Straw Hat Birthday for a SPECIAL Lady Cat!

Today is a most special day! It is Straw Hat Day , the day when all felt and warm hats should be put away, and the hats of summer (Straw Hats!) should be brought out to not only help you keep cool in the sun, but to make you LOOK "cool!!"

I decided to incorporate my "cool" look while celebrating the birthday of an IMMENSELY SPECIAL LADY CAT that I have known for years and years!!!  In fact, we go waaaay back! I have made a number of appearances on her blog and she has done the same on mine!

I have watched her date countless mancats, but always, she would return to the "Codester" for some fun and the comfort of my reassuring paws.

Today, this special lady cat is turning 18, a truly special birthday indeed! I'm heading over to wish her a Happy Birthday and you should too!  Click here to visit!

Happy, Happy Birthday to 


Wishing you many, many more!!

Much love from,


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