Friday, December 4, 2015

Clear the Air with an Airfree Air Purifier

Let's clear the air right now.  Many of you who will read this post and know me, will think, "why in the world is SHE writing about an air purifier when she SMOKES?" Yes, it's true that I smoke, but I have been working on quitting, and am doing my best to be "smoke-free" in 2016. That being said, I do NOT smoke IN THE HOUSE or NEAR MY PETS. But...even when you do not smoke inside, the smell lingers on clothes, hair, skin, EVERYTHING and it is detrimental to everyone in your environment.

Even if you don't smoke , there are all sorts of things in the air in our environment. bacteria, viruses, mildew, mold, dust mite allergens, pet allergens and more that do more harm than good. 

Do you wake up with a stuffy nose? Do you sometimes experience itchy eyes? Can you smell pets the second you enter your home or a certain room? If so, you need to seriously consider using an Airfree Air Purifier.

When I was contacted a few months ago to see if I wanted to test the Airfree Onix 3000 I jumped at the chance.

Onix 3000
Air purifier recommended for rooms up to 650 sq ft.

Airfree ® is the natural solution to asthma, respiratory allergies and mold. Eliminates dust mites, bacteria, fungi, virus, pollen, allergens of domestic animals and other microorganisms from the air.

"Airfree’s mission is to combine the best technology and design, to turn their clients’ needs into innovative solutions for indoor atmospheres, whether for health reasons, comfort or to increase productivity."

The Benefits Of Airfree Air Purifiers

"Airfree air purifiers are effective against bacteria, viruses, mildew, mold, dust mite allergens, pet allergens, pollen, and tobacco odors. SGS, the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, and dozens of other international laboratories have proved the effectiveness of Airfree air purifiers at reducing the amount of microorganisms and harmful substances from the air. The TSS technology used is an exclusive and patented technology used in Airfree’s air purifiers, is established in over 50 countries worldwide, and is completely silent. There are no fans or turbines." 

I didn't have a chance to test the Airfree Air Purifier until a few weeks ago, and when I opened the package I was surprised that there was NOTHING difficult AT ALL about using it. I chose to use mine in our living room, (the recommended room size for use is 650 feet),  because we spend the most time there, and that is the main room that BOTH pets are in ALL of the time. 

I love that my Airfree Air Purifier doesn't detract from the appearance of my home. Only Airfree combines high efficiency with an award-winning design. 

Having technical/mechanical ability is not something that either my husband or myself is blessed with. What makes the Airfree Air Purifier a BREEZE is that they   do not require any maintenance or replacement parts!! They also generate no waste!! There is no need to change filters or moving parts. 

I was concerned about the amount of energy it would use, (since our electric bill keeps inching up with me working from home,) but I didn't have to worry. It uses less energy than a 60w light bulb, and has a super cool night-light-like "glow" at night!!!

 It is also easy to transport, weighs less than 5 lb, and takes up very little space.

The Unique Airfree Process

"Airfree’s exclusive technology works by eliminating microorganisms and allergens, destroying them in a fraction of a second. Depending on the model, between 4,000 and 6,000 gallons of air pass through the Airfree device every hour, treating all the air in the room in a very short space of time.
The process works in much the same way as sterilizing water by boiling it; when water is boiled, the microorganisms it contains are eliminated. In similar fashion, Airfree continually draws in air, heating it to over 390ºF and instantly sterilizng it. The purified air is then cooled inside the device before being returned to the room. The entire process is completely silent and requires no maintenance, not even the occasional replacement of parts. All you have to do is switch the device on and leave it to get on with the job."

Does it WORK?

As I mentioned above, I have not used the Airfree Air Purifier for more than a few weeks, but the MAIN thing that I have noticed is when I return home after having been out and enter our living room, there are NO PET SMELLS. NONE.  I feel that is significant because I don't like purchasing items that are "perfumy" to just "mask" a scent. 

We also have Pergo flooring in our living room, with one large area rug, (which would help to eliminate some dust mites to begin with), but we DO have microfiber sofas and many, many pillows throughout, which make great homes for dust particles.  There is also TONS of shedding that takes place every day thanks to our Shetland Sheepdog, Dakota and his abundant, luxurious fur. We all know what THAT means, all sorts of irritants are making their home there! I AM finding that my nose is running less, and I am not stuffy and congested as I am much of the time. 

I also believe the Airfree Air Purifier is helping to eliminate the scent from my clothes after I come inside from partaking in my awful habit. 

I am excited to see how much more I will notice that it truly works when I DO quit smoking! In the meantime, I feel that the Airfree Air Purifier IS doing what it claims to do, efficiently, quietly and attractively! 

The History of Airfree

"Airfree’s technology was developed through the initiative and creativity of a father in an effort to find an effective way to ease his son’s allergy attacks. The Portuguese businessman scoured the market trying to find an air purifier that would help his son’s respiratory issues but found nothing that suited their needs. He then began to develop Airfree. The first prototype Airfree air purifier was developed for a natural way of using heat to destroy airborne allergens. After successful testing at the INETI microbiological laboratory in Portugal, the idea of large-scale production of the devices began to take shape. More families worldwide would be able to enjoy the benefits of a simple, effective concept."

"In 2004, after a few adjustments had been made to improve electronics and capacity, Airfree was born, marked by the launch of its P air purifier range, attractive and modern in design. A groundbreaking brand was on its way to conquering world markets. Airfree has continued to grow, manufacturing a variety of models of air purifiers in Portugal, intended for use not only in the home but also geared towards trade and industry."

For more information and information about all tests that were performed on the Airfree air purifiers, visit   their website at

In full disclosure:We are sent an Airfree air purifier at no charge. We were not compensated for featuring it. 

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