Sunday, November 22, 2015

Book Review/Give-Away: CATS ON THE JOB By Lisa Rogak

50 Fabulous Felines who Purr, Mouse, and Even
Sing for Their Supper

Hi every furry! It's Cody and today I decided to steal this book from Mom, help Mom with this review, because I needed to get this book away from her before she gets any ideas love this book!

Well, MOM is the one who LOVES this book, I don't understand why Mom agreed to review it. After all, I am a kitty with a job. I BLOG, isn't that a job? What does Mom need with a book that features 50 other kitties that have jobs? Isn't MY job good enough? From how Mom was smiling when she read this book, apparently, I need to send out my resume and find new work!

"It's impossible to force a cat to do anything; an old saying is that you have to make the cat think it's his own idea, whereas a dog is typically so eager to please that he'll do your bidding regardless of the task. Simply put, cats are more discriminating about where they choose to spend their energies." 

"Around the world, there are cats earning their keep. Some are mousers, like Princess, a black cat who works at Mill Ridge Farm’s stables. Some are circus performers, like Tuna and her furry friends in The Amazing Acro-Cats. And some are even politicians, like Mayor Stubbs, an orange tabby who holds office in Talkeetna, Alaska."

"In Lisa Rogak’s Cats on the Job, we meet these and other whiskered workers who keep their human colleagues company from 9 to 5-with the occasional break for a nap or a belly rub-and make every day at the office better."

While Mom and I were familiar with a number of kitties featured in this book, (we get around ya know!), there were a number of cats we were not familiar with that had an impact on us, and it is some of those kitties that we want to share with you today!

Crossing Guard Cat Sable
Photo: Monti Franckowiak

Crossing Guard Cat- a black cat named Sable was a crossing guard cat and took his duties protecting children coming to and fro from school quite seriously! "Safety patrol students regarded Sable as part of the team, and unlike some of his two-legged coworkers, he always showed up on time for his job."

Diabetic Alert Cat
Photo: Lauren Campbell/Caters News Agency

Diabetic Alert Cat-Pippa who was able to detect when Mia's blood sugar dropped to dangerous levels and alerted Mia's parents.(More than once!!)

Writer's Muse Cat
Photo: Eleanor Garvey

Writer's Muse Cat-"Writers and cats have long been associated with each other, serving as companion and inspiration. Writers both famous and obscure have worked with cats on their shoulders and laps." (Just like my blogging pals!)

Computer Ketzel
Photo: Sivan Cotel

Composer Cat-Ketzel which Mom featured on the blog a few days ago.

Roommate 2
Photo: Tokyo Cat Guardian


Roommate Cat-"Japanese culture highly reveres cats, but many landlords prohibit renters from keeping a cat on the premises, which means that many cats languish in shelters and are left without a job to do. Tokyo Cat Guardian is a Japanese rescue group that's addressing both problems by contracting a number of its feline residents out to live as roommates in apartments throughout the city. In other words, rent an apartment and automatically get a cat as a roommate! The plan accomplishes two objectives:It helps landlords to rent their apartments faster, and tenants don't have to buy anything special for their new feline roommate, since everything is already included." Mom and I particularly LOVE this idea!

"Existing apartments are renovated to make them more habitable for the feline roommate, adding elevated catwalks and built-in cat trees and towers."

"If the human roommate decides to leave the apartment at the end of the lease, she or he has the option of leaving the feline roommate behind in the apartment or adopting and bringing him along to a new residence, in which case, another cat from Tokyo Cat Guardian moves in to take on the job of roommate."

How brilliant is THAT?

If you loved the above examples of kitties that are featured in Cats on the Job you will LOVE this book as Mom and I did! Simply put, Cats on the Job,  is PURRFECT! From the photographs, to the compilation of cats with jobs that are entertaining, informative and in many cases, touching, this is a book you will want to keep out on the coffee table to read whenever you want a smile! It's also a stupendous book to purchase for your cat loving friends!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lisa Rogak is author of The Dogs of War, Dogs of Courage, One Big Happy Family, and the New York Times bestselling Angry Optimist:The Life and Times of Jon Stewart, and is editor of the New York Times bestselling Barack Obama in His Own Words. She lives in Lebanon, New Hampshire.


  • 7.52 x 9.07 inches, 208 pages
  • Includes 115 color photographs throughout

  • ISBN:9781250072375
    Ebook ISBN: 9781466883994


    ENTER TO WIN!!!! Lisa has generously offered a give-away to my readers who are 18 and over and who reside in the U.S. TWO lucky people (or kitties!) will each win a copy! (An approx. $17 value) Winning is easy! Just enter on the Rafflecopter below! GOOD LUCK!! a Rafflecopter giveaway

    In full disclosure: I was not compensated for this review/give-away (not even with kibble!) Mom was sent a copy of Cats on the Job (which I stole), in exchange for my ALWAYS honest review!

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