Thursday, October 8, 2015

John Lennon Would Have Been 75 Today

FROM CAT CHAT WITH CAREN AND CODY:This is an edited version of a post I did  on what would have been John Lennon's 70th birthday.  Since today would have been his 75th birthday, we are repeating portions of it. Happy Birthday, always.

Today, October 9th, 2015
Would Have Been 
John Lennon's 75th birthday....


I remember first seeing John (and the rest of the Beatles) on The Ed Sullivan Show back on February 9th, 1964. I was a little girl...7 to be exact...(yes, I am an older than dirt, I am sure you are doing the  math by now).

I pointed to our rabbit-eared television, took one look at John, and said "I like that one". I never changed my mind. John's music served as the back-drop for events in my life that are too numerous to mention.

I loved John's swagger, his "bad boy" persona, his genius, his sarcastic and sardonic sense of humor.

He marched to his own drummer.

He was independent. Like a cat.

What I didn't remember until recently was that John Lennon loved cats. Throughout his life he had numerous cats with names such as "Tich", "Tim", "Sam", "Elvis", "Mimi", "Baghari", "Major" and "Minor".

When I was 7 and began what would be a life-long love affair with John Lennon (which continues  even with his untimely death on December 8th, 1980), I had yet to fall in love with cats.

That didn't happen until I was 15.

When I was a little girl I always said I was going to meet John Lennon and marry him.

I thought we had a lot in common.

At age 7 I had yet to start my love affair with cats.

But I loved John Lennon....

I still do.

John Lennon loved cats,
 I loved John Lennon, forget Yoko, 

(sorry Yoko!!)

 If John and I  would have married,
we would have chosen to have  a family of cats.

Ahhhhh  to what could have been.....


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