Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Pet Pledge for 2016! Make Yours and Enter To Win at Purina ! #Sponsored

This is a sponsored post, written by me on behalf of  Nestle Purina®  I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the  Purina Pet Pledge Campaign 2016.   Cat Chat With Caren and Cody only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.

Here we are, a month into the New Year, and if you are like many people, the "resolutions" you made for yourself have fallen by the wayside. That is why I prefer to use the word "intentions" or even better, the word "pledge."  A "pledge" is a "solemn promise or undertaking". For me, promises are serious business, if I make a promise I will do my UTMOST to keep it, much more than a resolution or an intention.

This year our friends at  Purina want to keep all of our favorite four-legged family members in mind as we make our  pledges! With February being "The Month of Love" , it is the purrfect time to make a pledge to our furry family members! 

What is MY Pledge?
See this cute guy?

That's Cody, and Cody is NOT holding a cat toy. Cody is holding Dakota's BALL. A DOG BALL! Why a dog ball? Well, long story short, I had come into the living room because I felt sorry for Dakota, (I felt he wasn't being active enough), and I started throwing one of his balls to him. Dakota had NO interest in it...but....CODY DID!

I felt so guilty! Nearly every night after dinner Cody goes into the bedroom hoping that I will tear myself away from the computer, even for just 15 minutes and play his favorite game in the world. We call it "The Silly Game". What it boils down to is Cody likes to play with his favorite wand toy, (the one with the furry little mouse on the end, that you all know of quite well!). HE LOVES THAT GAME! For quite some time I would play EVERY NIGHT. Then, as many of us do, I started being "too busy." I would say "Not now Cody, Mama has work to do", or "maybe tomorrow Cody", but then tomorrow comes and it is the same thing again. I know, I am an AWFUL kitty Mama. I am sure you have all been there at some point yourselves so don't point a paw at me!  It got me to thinking,

If my baby can make the time for ME, as he always does, even when I am just resting on the couch, the LEAST I can do is to make the time for HIM....I can take 15 minutes as many days a week as he wants to play, and PLAY WITH HIM. He won't be here forever, we all know too well how fast the time passes. I must savor each and every moment that I am blessed to spend with him. My pledge is to take the time at LEAST once a day and play that "Silly Game" with Cody. If it is important to HIM, it should be important to ME.

 Our friends at Purina, Cody and I are  encouraging everyone to make a Pet Pledge for 2016 – it can be anything, from spending more time with your pets each day to pampering them with new toys or accessories, and anything in between. Once you’ve made your Pledge, visit and share it with Purina! While you’re on the site, play their instant-win game to win a prize box or their grand prize – all geared to help you keep that Pledge:

Cat Prize Box– Cat Furminator, Kitty Hammock, toys, other cat-related accessories! Visit to see ALL of the prizes!
Photo Courtesy of Purina

Cat Grand Prize – Deluxe Cat Tower
Photo Courtesy of Purina

Because this is a cat blog we are focusing on the prizes that CATS can win. There are DOG PRIZES AS WELL! They include a Dog Prize Box – Dog Furminator, Kong toys, other dog-related accessories!!!

Dog Grand Prize – the Deluxe Dog Crate---is AMAZING!!!

to check it out
 and to check out

The Instant Win game will  run through Wednesday, February 17. In addition, will also feature information and tips on different Pet Pledges you can make and how to help keep them throughout the year. There are coupons there too!

I made MY pledge AND played the Instant Win game as well, it couldn't be easier!!! Be sure to head over there yourself!!!!!

I shared my pledge with Purina and all of you, now tell me, in a comment below, what will YOUR PLEDGE to your pet(s) be?


About Nestlé Purina PetCare
Nestlé Purina PetCare Company is a global leader in the pet care industry. NestléPurina PetCare promotes responsible pet care, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. A premiere global manufacturer of pet products, Nestlé Purina PetCare is part of Swiss-based Nestlé S.A., a global leader in nutrition, health and wellness.

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

It's the Weekend and we will be doing....

Mom is having some BIG TIME kidney stone issues right now, so we are gonna be doing a lot of the above this weekend!!! Just hangin' in there! Hope you all have a great weekend!
 Love, Cody

Monday, January 25, 2016

Michigan Animal Shelter Launches Pet Behavior Help Line

Cat and Dog owners can use help line
 to get tips for helping family pets

Earlier this month, the Dearborn Animal Shelter launched a new pet behavior help line 313-355-7553, along with corresponding email addresses, and

The  purpose of the new outreach service is to give pet owners in the community a place to get some guidance for minor behavioral issues with their furry family members.

According to Elaine Greene, Executive Director, Friends For the Dearborn Animal Shelter, “Having behavioral issues is one of the leading manageable reasons we find people surrendering their pet to the Shelter. There are unavoidable reasons of course, like a relocation where pets are not allowed, sickness in the family or loss of employment, but behavior issues, if given proper guidance, can often be corrected. Greene continued, Sometimes people ask friends or family members, but are not sure where to turn for professional advice or are not able to afford training courses. Our goal is to give them some help, an option to connect with one of our team members who are skilled in offering cat and dog advice”.  

In preparation for the new help line, Dearborn Animal Shelter staff members were trained through a grant program made possible by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).  This program focuses on cat behavior issues; as many pet owners understand that there are dog training options available to them; but are not as familiar with finding cat behavior advice.  Once the Dearborn Animal Shelter staff members completed their training, they decided to extend the help line to dog owners as well, as they felt this service was important for dog family members too.

Linda Thomas, Certified Professional Dog Trainer for the Dearborn Animal Shelter, will oversee the new help line service.  Thomas has completed the HSUS training and many other certifications in her role for the organization.  The help line is free to callers and open to those who have pet family members.  Recent Shelter adopters with any pet behavior issues are encouraged to continue their correspondence directly with their adoption counselors and not use this help line service.

The information can be found on the Dearborn Animal Shelter’s website under the Contact Us section. The following is a direct link to the Help line information on the site:

Learn more about adoption, training, events, volunteering or donating online at www.DearbornAnimals.orgThe Dearborn Animal Shelter is located at 2661 Greenfield Road, Dearborn, and is operated by the Friends For the Dearborn Animal Shelter, a 501C3 nonprofit organization. 
Main phone (313) 943-2697 you can also follow the Shelter on Facebook or Twitter.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tortitude:The BIG Book of Cats with a BIG Attitude by Ingrid King (Give-Away!)

When a copy of Tortitude:The BIG Book of Cats with a BIG Attitude by Ingrid King arrived at my home a few weeks ago, I was in complete shock,  I was honored, AND I was, (and am!) just a tad nervous!!!

Why? I do not live with, nor have I EVER lived with a tortoiseshell cat!  My immediate thought was "How am I qualified to review a book about tortoiseshell cats when I have never lived with one?"  I know of other bloggers who are far more knowledgeable about torties than I am, but I took comfort in the fact that since I had reviewed ALL of Ingrid King's books prior to this one, that she must have confidence that I will write at least a somewhat intelligent review of:

My first impression after merely LOOKING at the cover of Tortitude, was that it was GORGEOUS! I am one of "those people" who gets a thrill out of simply  touching a book and gazing at the cover, I become filled with anticipation of what awaits me inside, which is why I am NOT a fan of ebooks, but I digress....

When I turned the first page,  I smiled when I saw a quote by one of my favorite "Cat Daddies", Jackson Galaxy:

“Excerpted from: Tortitude:
 The BIG Book About Cats With a BIG
Attitude by Ingrid King ©2015” 

The foreword is written by another one of my faves; Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther.

Once I began to calm down and think, it dawned on me,  that if I , one of millions of cat lovers, knows little about tortoiseshell cats, surely there has to be many, many more cat lovers who might not be familiar with these wonderful cats!

Thinking back, to when I first began blogging in 2009, discovering Ingrid's blog was probably my FIRST exposure to torties, and from that day on, I always considered Ingrid to not only be one of a number of cat experts that I hold in high esteem, but to me, she is a MUST READ not only for misc. trusted information about cats, but for  personal and engaging stories about tortoiseshell cats in particular.

FROM Tortitude:The BIG Book of Cats with a BIG Attitude:

"With about 2 million tortoiseshell cats in the United States, these special felines tend to be strong-willed, a bit hot-tempered, and often very possessive of their humans. Other words used to describe torties are fiercely independent, feisty and unpredictable. Ingrid King (The Conscious Cat) brings her professional and personal experience to explore why these cats are so special. With expert insights combined with stunning photography and passages dedicated to the cats and their passionate guardians, King offers a new perspective on these exceptional cats."

When I read the above passage on the back cover, I was not only intrigued, but I began to think that if I were a cat, there is a better-than-average chance that I would be a tortie!!! I am "strong-willed, a bit hot-tempered (No!! Really? Ha!), fiercely independent, feisty and unpredictable." I have also been known to be very possessive of my humans!! But once again, I digress...

That quote made me stop and think. I find it interesting that the HUMANS that I know that live with torties tend to have personalities that are the polar opposite of torties! Could it be a case of "opposites attract" or, could it be that these spunky cats have personality traits that their owners secretly wish that THEY as humans possessed, and that they live vicariously through their torties?
I think I may be on to something here!!!

“Excerpted from: Tortitude:
 The BIG Book About Cats With a BIG
Attitude by Ingrid King ©2015”

Did you know...

"that tortoiseshell cats are NOT a breed?"

(if you did, and you don't live with a Tortie, good for you! You move to the head of the class!) I did NOT know that until I read the section in the book titled:

"What is Tortitude?"

Author King points out the colors/patterns and personality traits  that make a cat qualify as a tortie, she also mentions:"while there are some commonalities between torties when it comes to personality, there seem to be wide variations in the degree of tortitude and in how it is expressed. Some cats appear to have read the book on tortitude, displaying all of the traits attributed to cats with this coloring. Others may vary in temperament, and only demonstrate certain aspects of it. All cats are individuals, and torties are no different in that respect, with the possible exception that they are far more demonstrative of their unique personalities than cats of other colors." 

“Excerpted from: Tortitude:
 The BIG Book About Cats With a BIG
Attitude by Ingrid King ©2015”
Being a quote collector/aficionado from way back, I took a special interest in the sizable section of the book entitled:

Quotable Torties

Quotes and photos were submitted by members of "Team Tortitude" and some of my favorites are:

Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance--Dan Greenburg

In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him--Dereke Bruce

If cats could talk, they wouldn't.--Nan Porter

and finally a favorite quote of mine that is posted beneath the photo of beloved Truffles, (who left much, much too soon), submitted by someone who is MUCH more qualified to do a review of a tortie book than I am, Melissa Lapierre of  Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows, 

A catless writer is almost inconceivable; even Ernest Hemmingway, manly follower of the hunting trophy and the bullfight, lived waist-deep in cats. It's a perverse taste, really, since it would be easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room than even one cat; they make nests in the notes and bite the end of the pen and walk on the typewriter keys. --Barbara Holland

Tortitude:The BIG Book About Cats With a BIG Attitude delivers exactly what the title promises. While the book is small in that it is slightly over 100 pages, it is aesthetically generously sized, and is PACKED with information that will not only appeal to bona fide tortie lovers, but will also appeal to self-proclaimed "tabby girls" such as myself. Tortitude offered me insight into these delightful cats and a deeper admiration of their "colorful" coats and personalities.  Tortitude will appeal to cat lovers world-wide! You MUST get your "paws" on a copy, today!!




BUCKLEY'S STORY: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher

PURRS OF WISDOM: Conscious Living, Feline Style

ADVENTURES IN VETERINARY MEDICINE:What Working in Veterinary Hospitals Taught Me About Life, Love and Myself

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ingrid King is an award-winning author (of the books listed above). She is a former veterinary hospital manager. Her popular blog, The Conscious Cat, is a comprehensive resource for conscious living, health, and happiness for cats and their humans. The Conscious Cat has won multiple awards, (including but not limited to),'s 2012 Readers Choice Award for Best Website About Cats. Ingrid lives in Northern Virginia with her tortoiseshell cats Allegra and Ruby.

Ingrid has generously offered to give-away a copy of Tortitude:The  BIG Book of Cats with a BIG Attitude to one of my readers who resides in the U.S.A. (An approximate $20 value!). Must be 18 and over. Entering is super easy! Just enter on the Rafflecopter below! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

In full disclosure:I was not compensated for this review/give-away. I was sent a copy of Tortitude in exchange for my always honest review.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Answer Your Cat's Questions Day? Pffft....

Hi all, it's Cody and today is  Answer Your Cat's Questions Day. Seriously? You are kidding, right? 

I'm going to ask YOU, a mere human for answers to questions?

Think again.

Let me put it to you this way dear humans, YOU find me an ANSWER as to why there are so many cats who are homeless and YOU find a SOLUTION to the problem, and then....MAYBE....JUST THEN....I will trust your "wisdom" enough to even bother asking YOU questions.

In the meantime, don't waste my time........or that of my fellow felines.

Allow us to just be the sagacious beings that we are,  without bothering us,  just so you can get blog fodder  for your  insipid days of the year events.

Sagaciously Yours,


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

R.I.P. Glenn Frey, "Take It Easy"

Thank you for being a part of so many of my memories from Kent State University in the 70s.  I remember sitting on the grassy hill outside Memorial Gym, (which no longer exists),   with so many others who couldn't get tickets to the many concerts that The Eagles performed  at Kent. That hill was the best, we could all listen to so many concerts for FREE!!! Thank you for being an integral part of the music memories from my youth.

  "Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy"....Yeah Baby...

To my readers, thank you for allowing me to indulge in this diversion in content today.

 I did find a photo of Glenn Frey holding two black cats on his lap, but I chose not to post it since there was obvious copyright info printed on it.  Nice to know that he liked cats!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Michigan Humane Society Hiring Fair!!

MHS is hiring for multiple positions to help animals go from homeless to loved

 The Michigan Humane Society (MHS) is hosting a hiring fair on Saturday, January 16, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the new MHS Detroit Animal Care Campus. The hiring fair will include information on Animal Care Technician/Customer Service Representative positions and an opportunity to interview with MHS representatives. Those interested in attending are asked to email a resume to Candidates meeting minimum requirements will be contacted by email to set up a “speed” interview at the fair.
Photo Courtesy of Michigan Humane

“The positions we are looking to fill will have you truly making a difference for animals in need from your first day,” said CJ Bentley, MHS Senior Director of Operations. “Our customer service representatives and animal care technicians are dedicated and enthusiastic people who have compassion for both people and animals. With our state-of-the-art new facility opening this spring, we are expanding the lifesaving MHS team!”

MHS customer service representatives help pet adopters find a wonderful new animal companion; process pet adoptions using the animal sheltering database; support current pets and their owners through our free pet food bank and free straw programs; help owners decide if re-homing their pet is the best option; provide care and food for animals in the shelter; and clean kennels, cages and other areas of the adoption center. Detailed training is provided to new staff members.

The site of the job fair, the new MHS Detroit Animal Care Campus, which is in the final stages of completion before it replaces the current MHS Detroit facility this spring, is located at 7887 Chrysler drive, a few blocks north of the current MHS Detroit facility.

The Michigan Humane Society is the largest and oldest animal welfare organization in the state. MHS works to end companion animal homelessness, provide the highest quality service and compassion to the animals entrusted to our care, and to be a leader in promoting humane values.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Winners:Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee

Thanks to all who entered our give-away for:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner of the KINDLE copy is:Little B.
The winner of the PAPERBACK is Jean F.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cat Book Review/Give-Away:The Pharaoh’s Cat by Maria Luisa Lang

FROM CAT CHAT WITH CAREN AND CODY: Today we are happy to bring to you another marvelous  book that we received in 2015, that we didn't have a chance to review until now. Believe me, this one is WELL WORTH the wait!

Cat lovers around the world know that Ancient Egypt overall, loved the cat. In order to fully appreciate the fabulous historical/fantasy novel, The Pharaoh's Cat by Maria Luisa Lang, it is important to have a little history about the cat in Ancient Egypt.

From National Geographic Kids:Ancient Egyptians worshipped many animals for thousands of years. Animals were revered for different reasons. Dogs were valued for their ability to protect and hunt, but cats were thought to be the most special. Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them.

To honor these treasured pets, wealthy families dressed them in jewels and fed them treats fit for royalty. When the cats died, they were mummified. As a sign of mourning, the cat owners shaved off their eyebrows, and continued to mourn until their eyebrows grew back. Art from ancient Egypt shows statues and paintings of every type of feline. Cats were so special that those who killed them, even by accident, were sentenced to death.

According to Egyptian mythology, gods and goddesses had the power to transform themselves into different animals. Only one deity, the goddess named Bastet, had the power to become a cat. In the city of Per-Bast, a beautiful temple was built, and people came from all over to experience its splendor.

FROM CAT CHAT WITH CAREN AND CODY: But...not EVERYONE in Ancient Egypt adored cats! Some (or some ONE) was quite jealous of how a certain cat was held in high esteem. Gasp!!  Who might that be? You will find out in this  quick and action-packed read at only 170-something pages long.  This is the PURRFECT book for a cozy winter night, (or ANY night!)  It taught me much about "Egyptology" and the cat had me in stitches through much of the book. The cat is full of sass and swagger, but trust me, there are MANY sensitive moments as well.  Character development was superb, a wonderful blend of fantasy and history. The "time-travel" component was incredibly clever. You will LOVE escaping to Ancient Egypt, learning, laughing and wiping a tear or two along the way! The Pharaoh's Cat by Maria Luisa Lang should definitely be on your "must-read" list!

 by Maria Luisa Lang

The Pharaoh’s Cat, narrated in the present tense by the cat himself, is the story of a free-spirited, quick-witted stray in ancient Egypt who suddenly finds himself with human powers joined to his feline nature.

The cat immediately captures the attention of the seventeen-year-old Pharaoh, making him laugh for the first time since his parents' death, and is brought to live with him at the royal palace.

The cat also becomes friends with the High Priest of the god Amun-Ra and seeks his help in solving the mystery of his human powers and the supernatural manifestations that later plague him. He has an enemy in the Vizier—the Pharaoh's uncle and the second most powerful man in Egypt. The Vizier hates him for himself and even more for his relationship with the Pharaoh.

The cat participates in festivities at the royal palace, developing an insatiable appetite for good food, wine, and gossip. He later accompanies the Pharaoh on a trip through his kingdom, all the while renewing the Pharaoh’s ability to enjoy life and inspiring him to become a stronger leader.

Between the cat and the Pharaoh a bond of love gradually forms which will determine Egypt's destiny.

The Pharaoh's Cat imaginatively blends Egyptology with comedy, drama, and even time travel--the cat and the High Priest will meet Elena, a resident of the twenty-first century and the daughter of a renowned Egyptologist.


Maria Luisa Lang was born in Rome and lives in New York City. She has a degree in art history and is an amateur Egyptologist. The Pharaoh's Cat is her first novel. She has almost completed a sequel.

WORLD-WIDE GIVE-AWAY!!! Maria Luisa Lang has generously offered TWO of our readers, who are 18 and over and who reside ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD a chance to win a copy of The Pharaoh's Cat!  (an approximate $10 value). Entering is super easy! Just enter on the Rafflecopter below!!!! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Cat Shaming: Or "If you don't stop whining you will end up on video"

Thursday night I was aggravated while in the process of deleting 100 spam comments (yes, 100) from blog posts, and Cody was frustrated because I wasn't moving fast enough to begin giving him his "evening snack buffet."

You see, Cody starts whining at 10pm in preparation for when  he gets some Lean Treats. Then, after about 15 more minutes he starts whining again, RELENTLESSLY in preparation for his 11pm snack of Nutrish for Cats kibble, (believe it or not, he is on a diet, he now gets two snacks instead of one every 15 minutes from 10pm til 11pm). 

Last night, he wouldn't stop and he was literally on my last nerve. I told him, "If you don't stop I am going to put you on video." knowing that when he sees the camera he normally takes off...not this time! (Please excuse my thumb in the upper right corner and the shoes on the floor, this was an impromptu video and I didn't have a chance to move the objects).

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Lucky Cat(s): The Gift of Good Luck in the New Year

Just after Christmas and right at the New Year there was a knock on our door. I was surprised when our mail carrier was standing at the door holding a box that she said I had to sign for. Imagine my excitement when I looked at the return address on the box and it was from my dear friend Rosa from Cat Lady Confidential and the package had come all the way from Portugal!!!

When I opened the packaging I gasped audibly when my eyes saw one of the prettiest gift boxes I had ever seen!

My apologies for covering up
one of the faces of the cats
I didn't realize I had done this
until it was too late!
Many of you instantly know who these cats are. For those who don't, they are what is called Maneki Neko, which is a popular Asian figurine of a Cat with a raised paw, known as Beckoning Cat, Lucky Cat or Money Cat, which is believed to be a lucky charm that brings good luck and prosperity. It is common to be displayed in shops, restaurants, other businesses and, more recently, in private homes.

The Lucky Cat is usually represented with a red collar around his neck with a bell and is holding a coin. The raised right paw is associated with good luck and wealth. 

I opened the box and tears filled my eyes.

Inside the box was a beautiful hand-written note from Rosa, two  most beautiful and special Lucky Cat mugs and two little toys for Cody. For those that weren't readers of this blog in 2011, I did a book review called  I am Tama, Lucky Cat   , in that review it is ironic that I had written: 

I Am Tama, Lucky Cat "is a timeless story of friendship, generosity and kindness", something we all can never have enough of in our daily life.
Which is EXACTLY what Rosa exhibited when she sent me this most unexpected and deeply loved gift. I was beside myself! When I contacted Rosa shrieking through email about my excitement, asking her "why on earth she did this?", she told me it was a "thank you" for a few surprises I had sent to her MONTHS ago that I had forgotten about, (but no way did she have to buy ME anything!!).

What Rosa didn't know when she sent this, was for the past few weeks I have been feeling uncharacteristically low, there are a number of things that I am concerned about, and frankly, it has been hard to muster much enthusiasm for blogging or anything else lately. (Dakota's blog is suffering the worst, I haven't updated his since the New Year). 

I had decided during late November and December that in 2016 my plan would be to blog MUCH less. I will return to my original schedule of blogging that I had put in place in 2009, (and too often deviated from),  blogging on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on this blog and Dakota's, (if there is a need to blog any of the other days, or if I have something I want to post I will, but I plan on NOT doing that regularly). I deeply need some balance back in my life, and I plan on UNPLUGGING much more this year than I have done in the past six years.

There are also some things that I want to work on that can be tied to the book review I did this past Monday, and if one of them happens, it will be a childhood dream that came to fruition.

Another thing that Rosa did not know when she sent me these Lucky Cat mugs that are too pretty to drink out of, and  that I will cherish forever, is that her gift was just the "sign" that I needed that I am on the right track. Each color of the Maneki Neko Lucky Cat figure has a specific meaning. The white Lucky Cat I received, represents good luck, happiness, positive energy, the black Lucky Cat represents good luck, happy marriage, protection from the evil.

It doesn't get any better than that, now does it?

Hmmm, if I win Powerball tonight I might just have to fly to Portugal and thank Rosa in person.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Book Review/Give-Away: Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee

Throughout the month of January, I will be featuring a few books that for a myriad of reasons, I didn't have time to review by the end of 2015. Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee is one of them.

Also, while there are two cats, (Minnie and Sally),  who make an appearance in the book, they are not core characters. Normally I wouldn't agree to review a book on this blog where a cat (or cats), aren't the main characters, but in this case, I made an exception because the subject matter greatly interested me. I am GLAD that I made an exception because I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

  As luck would have it, the times I had to change the date of the review turned out to be beneficial, because this delightful and and engrossing mystery  that has a clear message that with planning and faith and by taking action, what you hope to attain in your life CAN come to fruition, turned out to be perfectly suited for ringing in the New Year. It also was perfectly suited for ME, and may prove to be the kick in the butt that I need to make some much-needed changes in 2016!


Dreams aren’t just for the young, and baby boomer Ginny Lawther
is happy to prove that she can still brave a leap of faith…she just
needs a little prodding from like-minded individuals. Step one: place
an ad in the local newspaper inviting other dreamers to form an
Ideal Life Club. Step two: see if anyone shows up.

When Ginny meets four hopeful strangers at the first club meeting,
she thinks they’re off to a great start. Now it's only a matter of time
before the sixty-something widow Hilda, turns her crafting into a
full-time career; the twenty-something Jerry becomes a professional
musician; and the thirty-something housewife Lydia publishes her
cookbook. That is, until the rugged divorcée, Lee, sets a goal to solve
his ghost problem—and upends all their lives!

Suddenly the support group isn’t just trying to navigate the ups and
downs of pursuing their dreams; they’re also wrestling with a strange
cast of spirits who keep interrupting their endeavors. What do these
apparitions want? And why have they latched on to the Ideal Lifers?

 Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts is a part of a new genre, (Ghost Mysteries),  that I normally would never think I would enjoy reading, but I found it to be a thoroughly engrossing read. Just as can be found in traditional mysteries there are "clues and red herrings", but unlike traditional mysteries, the perpetrator in Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts is NOT a murderer, but instead is a GHOST!
 I found the idea of the "Ideal Lifers" club to be innovative and brilliant, so much so that I am thinking of applying what I have learned from reading this book  to my OWN life and I would LOVE to be a member of a group such as this!
Each of the members of the "Ideal Lifers" club  are believable and easy to relate to. I loved that they were all at different stages of their lives, which makes this book perfect for those who are young (20s) and those who are more "seasoned", like me!

 "Hair-raising, hilarious, inspiring and always surprising, Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee follows the visionary quintet as they struggle to maintain their resolve, support one another, and solve the mystery behind these strange specters before they derail the group's efforts.
But can their hopes and dreams possibly survive all the unexpected challenges they will face?"

You will have to read it to find out!

Available on Amazon
Author Janet DeLee

About The Author:

"Janet DeLee is a self-appointed, self-actualization guinea pig who firmly believes in leaps of faith and is committed to creating an ideal life for herself.

The Texas author, who lives in the Dallas area, was inspired to write ghost stories after experiencing unsettling events during stays at several bed-and-breakfasts, as well as an old New Orleans hotel.

In addition to having a hint of mystery, DeLee’s novels also tend to follow characters struggling to pursue their dreams."

DeLee's first book titled, "Creating an Ideal Life"

 Author Janet DeLee is generously offering a give-away to my readers!!! ONE winner located anywhere in the world will win a kindle copy of Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts and ONE winner located in the U.S. will win a signed paper-back copy (An approximate $14 value)!  Entering is easy! Simply enter on the rafflecopter below! Good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

In full disclosure: I was not compensated for this review/give-away. I was sent a copy of Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee in exchange for my always honest review.